The Junior School and Pre-Prep took part in a charity ‘Walk in her Shoes’ on Wednesday 11 October to raise awareness of girls around the globe who forfeit school to trek for miles to collect their families’ daily water supply.
They each carried an empty water bottle on their journey which was filled up at the halfway point as a symbolic measure to enhance their understanding of the plight of these girls. Mr Smerdon was the brains behind the fundraiser: “We wanted to do something meaningful on International Day of the Girl and motivate our students to think of more global issues in a way that we could illustrate.
They all embarked on the ‘Walk in her Shoes’ with a real sense of cultural understanding thanks also to a group of our Year 6 girls who took a very insightful assembly about why it is so important to raise money for this cause.”
Our enormous thanks to all those that have contributed and, if there is still anyone hoping to donate, you can do so here: