Overall Risk Assessment in the COVID-19 Environment
Assessor Name: Sarah Dunn-Headmistress
Risk | Control Measures | Outcome | Remarks / Re-assessment | |
A | Is government advice being regularly accessed, assessed, recorded and applied? | Yes by Headteacher, SLT and Governors | Good | Ongoing |
B | Are changes regularly communicated to staff, pupils, parents and governors? | Yes – regular staff, pupil and parent updates. In regular communication with Governors as changes occur | Good | Ongoing |
C | Are changes reviewed by governors? | Yes – regular updates by Headteacher. All Risk Assessment revisions are sent to the Governing Body for approval. | Good | Ongoing |
D | Is access to school controlled effectively and are visitor (if allowed) details recorded? | Yes – All visitors must put on a face-covering before entering Reception, and this should remain in place until they have left the building in accordance with local DCC/LA measures until otherwise notified. Visiting pupils under the age of 11 will not be required to wear a face mask in accordance with the DfE guidance. Visitors delivering sessions to pupils or meeting teachers will be asked to lateral flow test the night before. Food deliveries by Waterloo entrance only and where possible outside of normal school times. Delivery driver to text Chef when arrives on school premises and go to Waterloo entrance door. A member of the catering department to take delivery of the supplies at the door. No-one delivering supplies to the school should be granted access to any buildings other than reception. Prospective parents will arrive in reception and be asked to hand sanitise. Face coverings will be required to be worn by both. Prospective Parents and the member of staff or student who accompanies them on the tour. Once collected by a member of staff they will need to hand sanitise on entry to and exit from each building entered. They will be asked not to come into school if they or a member of their family are at all unwell and to take LFT. Prospective pupils will be expected to follow the school’s COVID-19 rules. Any other ad hoc essential events will have individual COVID risk assessments drawn up according. | Good | Ongoing |
E | Are Social Distancing (SD) and other hygiene rules communicated, understood and applied? | Yes – via training, weekly updates to staff with daily checks by SLT on duty. Government COVID-19 posters put up around the site. All staff to receive written advice, full training at the beginning of term and as guidelines change. All pupils to receive instruction on the first day of term with Teachers ensuring they have understood and comply. Ongoing reminders to all staff and pupils will take place. | Good | Ongoing |
F | Are there sufficient supplies of hygiene materials and are they well placed? | Yes. Anti-viral wipes and spray are available in every classroom. Hand sanitiser is available at all entry and exit points on every building and soap will all be available in every area where there is a sink. These must not be removed from the areas where they have been placed. If more is required, staff are to alert estates. | Good | Ongoing |
G | Has the cleaning regime been regularly re-assessed and, if necessary, revised to high risk areas such as toilets, door handles, switches, hand rails and regularly used hard surfaces? | Yes – cleaning schedules for all areas have been agreed. These schedules are checked daily and regularly reviewed. To ensure all areas are cleaned thoroughly on a daily basis the cleaning team are working additional hours. Internal doors will be propped open where safe to do so to minimise the need to use door handles and push plates. Individual work, classrooms, teaching and communal areas will have anti-viral wipes/hand sanitiser available for use when used by other members of staff and pupils. | Good | Ongoing |
H | What precautions are being used to keep shared teaching equipment (e.g. musical instruments) hygienic? | Shared wind and brass musical instruments will not be used in school by pupils. Staff demonstrating on an instrument will disinfect immediately after use. Sharing of equipment will be sanitised. There will also be anti-viral wipes and cleaning materials present should an item need to be used by more than one pupil or member of staff. All these areas will be thoroughly cleaned at the end of each day. | Good | Ongoing |
I | Are high risk areas being regularly monitored for hygiene? | Yes – see Cleaning Policy. All classrooms, offices and other school areas should be well ventilated at all times by open windows and doors where possible and adding mechanical ventilation (fans). Recycled air conditioning units will be taken out of use. Even when the heating is on, one window should be kept open along with the classroom/office door to keep a flow of fresh air circulating. | Good | Ongoing |
J | Are contingency plans in place for the transition to full opening (or re-closing) including rapidly sharing decisions? | Yes. These are reviewed on a regular basis by SLT. | Good | Ongoing |
K | Are all the identified risks properly mitigated and regularly re-assessed? | Yes – especially as and when changes of advice are announced. | Good | Ongoing |
L | Lateral Flow Testing of Staff and Pupils | As per current Government guidance, pupils and staff will self-test at home twice a week. Pupils and staff report test results on to the NHS and school bi-weekly. Any positive tests for pupils must be reported to the school office immediately. Staff positive test results should be reported immediately to The Headmistress for teaching staff and for support staff. | Good | Ongoing |
Pupils, Parent and Staff Risk Assessment in the COVID-19 Environment
Risk | Control Measures | Outcome | Remarks / Re-assessment | |
1 | Are communication channels working and being reviewed? Email, text, Facebook etc. | Yes by SLT | Satisfactory | Ongoing |
2 | Is there a robust feedback and reply system to ensure best practice and two-way communications for pupils, parents, staff and governors? | Yes – mainly by email | Satisfactory | Ongoing |
3 | If there is a governor and / or officer for the school / department nominated to be responsible for COVID-19 matters, are their contact details known and are they on call? | Yes – The Headmistress for Academic COVID-19 matters, SLT for premises and non-academic queries. | Satisfactory | Completed |
4 | What are, and have the hygiene rules set by the school been adhered to by pupils, parents and staff? | All staff, pupils and visitors will be briefed and regularly updated on the following hygiene rules: Pupils are expected to wear face coverings in communal areas of schools until further guidance from DCC. Staff and other adults wear face coverings in situations where social distancing is not possible, including corridors and communal areas, will remain in place in accordance with DCC guidance. Minimising contact with individuals who are unwell by ensuring that those who have coronavirus symptoms, or who have someone in their household who does, do not attend school. Wash your hands more often and for 20 seconds with soap and warm water and especially when:-Arrive at school Blow your nose, sneeze or cough Eat or handle food After visiting the toilet After break times When returning to class from outside Supervise young children to ensure they wash their hands more often. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze and throw the tissue away immediately. ‘Catch it, Bin it, Kill It! Clean and disinfect regularly touched objects and surfaces more often than usual using standard cleaning products. Minimising contact and mixing by altering, as much as possible, the environment (such as classroom layout) and timetables. All pupils, staff and visitors must hand sanitise on entering and exiting all buildings on the school site. These rules to be included in COVID-19 policy. Publicised via posters around school Letter to staff and parents Regular checks by Duty SLT member. Training for all staff and pupils at the beginning of term. | Good | Ongoing |
5 | Are all staff briefed and regularly updated in COVID-19 symptoms, SD and how these rules apply to teaching? | Publish COVID-19 Symptoms to all staff and stress that should a pupil or another member of staff present any of these symptoms that they should be isolated and sent home immediately. Encourage staff, pupils and visitors to the school to stay home if feeling at all unwell with any of the COVID-19 symptoms. Headmistress to ensure all staff are regularly updated. | Satisfactory | Ongoing |
6 | Is school transport operating to reflect SD, hygiene, PPE and cleaning arrangements? | Yes – School Minibus Transport will commence in the Autumn Term 2021. Pupils should not board the transport or come into school, if they have symptoms of COVID-19. Similarly, if any driver has symptoms of COVID-19 or has symptoms they must not come to work. Pupils should not board the transport or come into school, if they have symptoms of COVID-19. Similarly if any driver has symptoms of COVID-19 or has symptoms they must not come to work. Frequently touched surfaces should be cleaned after each journey with enhanced cleaning taking place at the end of each day. Pupils are to be allocated specific seats in their ‘bubbles’ or ‘family groups’ that they must remain in at all times on a daily basis that cannot be altered. This is to minimise contact and mixing. However, due to vehicle capacity means there will often be limits to the extent to which mixing can be minimised. Maximise ventilation at all times from outside the vehicle through opening windows and ceiling vents. All pupils to hand sanitise when entering and exiting the bus. No food or drinks on the buses. Drivers are expected to maintain a distance from their passengers wherever possible. It is recommended that children aged 11 and over wear a face covering when travelling on dedicated transport. This does not apply to children who are exempt from wearing a face covering on public transport. A face covering is a covering of any type which covers your nose and mouth. Reusable or single-use face coverings are available for parents and carers to buy. A scarf, bandana, religious garment or hand-made cloth covering may also be used but these must securely fit round the side of the face. Face coverings should not be worn by those who may not be able to handle them as directed as this may inadvertently increase the risk of transmission. All pupils using face coverings on the school transport need to understand how to handle their face covering properly so as not to increase the risk of transmission. Children under 11 may wear a face covering if they are able to handle it as directed. For more information read ‘how to wear a face covering’. All pupils should be made aware that they should not touch their face covering whilst it is being worn. Pupils who wear face coverings embark the bus wearing their face coverings and should disembark from the bus wearing their face covering. They should hand sanitise before and after removing their face covering. Drivers are not required to wear PPE or face coverings but may do so if they so wish. Enforce queues to board the bus following current social distancing measures. Should an infection arise from using school transport the school will engage with the test and trace process. If drivers or pupils display COVID-19 symptoms they are expected to get tested. All parents of pupils who use school transport will be written to setting out the measures the school are imposing, parental responsibility and the required additional pupil behaviour expected on school transport journeys. | Satisfactory | To be reviewed |
7 | How is registration throughout the day managed including temperature / health checks? | Anyone showing symptoms will be sent to the school nurse and will be scanned by a portable temperature scanner observing SD rules. Any pupil who arrives at school presenting any of the COVID-19 symptoms will be isolated and sent home. During each teaching session, the teacher in charge should ensure that all pupils are not presenting any COVID-19 symptoms. | Satisfactory | Ongoing |
8 | Is there a system in place to deal with bereavements, trauma, anxiety, behavioral issues? | Yes – Safeguarding, Well-Being and Pastoral policies updated accordingly | Satisfactory | Ongoing |
Pupil and Staff – Safety Risk Assessment in the COVID-19 Environment
Risk | Control Measures | Outcome | Remarks / Re-assessment | |
1 | Have safeguarding, code of practice, and staff handbook policies been updated, regularly reviewed and shared? | Yes by the DSL. | Good | Ongoing |
2 | Are the DSL and ADSL easily contacted and their contact information known to all? | Yes as part of Safeguarding Policy | Good | Ongoing |
3 | Are staff having sufficient down time / rest during the working day / week? | Yes – this will be factored into timetable planning. | Good | Ongoing |
4 | How are new staff and pupils inducted and has the registration and recruit process been adapted to ensure compliance? | Yes – New staff along with existing staff, will receive training on the COVID-19 measures that have been adopted as a first priority. New pupils, along with existing pupils will also receive training of the school’s COVID-19 measures on their first day back. Prospective new pupils coming in for assessment will be briefed by the person in charge of them whilst they are on site. The Registration and Recruitment process has been adapted to ensure compliance. | Satisfactory | Ongoing |
5 | Are sporting, play and SD rules clear to staff and pupils? | Yes – full instruction has been given to staff and pupils. Staff are to ensure that pupils understand what is expected of them following their safety presentation. In timetabled CV suite lessons, certain equipment will be taken out of use to ensure social distancing measures. Pupils/staff using any equipment must wipe it down after use using anti-viral wipes. | Satisfactory | Ongoing |
6 | Are drama, dance and music activities applying SD rules? | There will be no sharing of wind or brass musical instruments by pupils in school as this increases the risk of contamination. Singing will continue to adjust according to Government guidance. | Satisfactory | Ongoing |
7 | How are staff meetings and staff rooms regulated in terms of space, equipment, resources (copiers, kettles, biscuits etc) timings, SD and purpose? | Staff meetings will be held in a space large enough to ensure SD is observed in a venue large enough to accommodate the required number of staff expected to attend or if necessary virtual meetings will take place via zoom. | Satisfactory | Ongoing |
8 | Are all security, CCTV and access systems regularly checked, updated and (where necessary) re-coded? | Yes in accordance with our current policy | Good | Ongoing |
Yes | Do classrooms reflect SD layout, PPE, screening and regular cleaning rules? | Yes where possible as detailed in other parts of this Risk Assessment. Pupils and staff using specialised classrooms for specialist subjects will be asked to wipe down their work area with anti-viral wipes for the first and last 5 minutes of every lesson. All classrooms to have forward-facing desks. All areas must be kept well ventilated at all times by opening windows and doors where possible. | Satisfactory | Ongoing |
10 | Can staff manage, whilst in the transition phase, both in school and remote learning? | Yes The staff can do blended or remote learning. | Satisfactory | Ongoing |
11 | Are assemblies, break times, drop-off and collection times sufficiently well staggered? | As per DCC guidance, all will wear masks until further notice and there will be no singing. | Satisfactory | Ongoing |
12 | What are the risks of providing after school clubs? | After School Provision will be provided as normal using Owls for Pre-Prep and After School provision in the libraries for other pupils. JS pupils in the fiction part of the library, KS3 in the non-fiction part of the library and KS4 pupils in room 16. | Satisfactory | Ongoing |
13 | What vulnerable staff and children are in school / home, is medical advice being followed and are they properly supported? | Yes – all staff and pupils are expected in school unless they are unwell. Those staff with specific vulnerabilities are being self-assessed for further individual risk assessments such as CEV or pregnancy. Pupils with specific vulnerabilities are also being regularly assessed and monitored. | Good | Ongoing |
14 | Is pupil and staff mental health and wellbeing properly considered with individual needs identified and supported? | Yes – see Safeguarding Policy | Good | Ongoing |
Medical Risk Assessment in the COVID-19 Environment
Risk | Control Measures | Outcome | Remarks / Re-assessment | |
1 | Is the science of risk understood e.g. less severe symptoms in adults, younger children less likely to become unwell, vaccinations etc | Yes – this will form part of advice to both staff and parents based on Government advice. | Satisfactory | Ongoing |
2 | How effective are the hygiene rules? Is “catch it, bin it, kill it” still publicised and applied? | Very effective and additional posters have been put up in all areas that the different ‘bubbles’ will occupy. All areas will have bins with liner bags where all rubbish, including used tissues and anti-viral wipes, will be put and disposed of at the end of the day. These bins will be placed in an area near good ventilation. All rubbish will be collected and disposed of at the end of each day with new liner bags left ready for the next day. | Satisfactory | Ongoing |
3 | Is there anyone in addition supervising the normal medical staff? | Yes – The member of SLT who is on duty on any particular day. | Satisfactory | Ongoing |
4 | Are there sufficient medical staff to deal with temperature testing, isolating suspect COVID-19 cases, outside appointments and normal medical issues? | Yes – All pupils who are feeling unwell should be sent to the school nurse during her normal working hours. In her absence, any pupils with suspected COVID-19 symptoms should be accompanied to the medical room maintaining a 2 meter distance. The 1st Aid Co-ordinator should then be alerted to arrange for the pupil to be collected. For all other minor ailments, in the absence of the School Nurse, pupils should go to the school office and wait at the doorway to ask for attention. They should never enter the school office unless invited. Please see the 1st aider listing of staff that are qualified which shows there will be ample qualified staff in site. | Satisfactory | Ongoing |
5 | If temperature testing or taking other precautions that require new equipment, do operators have the appropriate training and has it been recorded? | Temperature testing is available via a portable temperature scanner. Staff have been trained on how to use them. | Satisfactory | Ongoing |
6 | Have a medical policy, procedures and appropriate response to the spectrum of medical issues been revised and shared? | The medical policy will be updated to include a paragraph on COVID-19 procedures should a pupil or member of staff present at school with symptoms. All staff are aware of the medical issues of individual pupils. | Satisfactory | Ongoing |
7 | Is the medical room properly equipped? | Yes and being restocked. | Satisfactory | Ongoing |
8 | What has the school decided is the level of PPE required for pupils and staff and are they trained as to their purpose, use, care and disposal? | Face coverings are not required for pupils under the age of 11. Staff and pupils should wear face coverings in communal spaces where social distancing cannot be maintained until further DCC notice. Full PPE is available should a member of staff have to deal with a child or member of staff exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms and the 2 meter social distancing rule cannot be adhered to. Should there be a COVID-19 outbreak in school cleaning staff will be provided with full PPE equipment. However, the wearing of a face covering or other PPE, should not mean the relaxing of any of the other measures that have been put in place to reduce the risk of the spread of COVID-19. Hygiene and other initiatives still must be maintained. | Satisfactory | Ongoing. |
9 | Do the sickness management rules need to be re-stated and the “don’t come to work if you are ill” understood. | Yes and have been reiterated to both staff and parents. | Satisfactory | Ongoing |
10 | Is the school aware of all pre-existing medical conditions? | Yes and these are recorded. | Satisfactory | Ongoing |
11 | Who has tested positive for COVID-19 and is it recorded? (for elimination purposes)? | Parents and staff have been asked to let the school know immediately a positive test result is received. This will then be recorded and the necessary action taken to self-isolate those that could be affected. The school has a QR poster and is displayed where visitors can see it and scan it upon arrival using their NHS COVID-19 app. This is to help trace and stop the spread of COVID-19. | Satisfactory | Ongoing |
12 | Who has come into contact with anyone tested positive to COVID-19 and is it recorded? | Anyone who has COVID has the date of the positive test recorded. | Satisfactory | Ongoing |
13 | Who has been sent home with COVID-19 symptoms (a cough, high temperature or shortness of breath)? | This is recorded and staff and pupils will be asked to LFT. | Satisfactory | Ongoing |
14 | Is there regular dialogue with those that have suffered from COVID-19 and / or are isolated at home? | Yes – to be taken forward by SLT, HR Adviser and Form Tutors. | Satisfactory | Ongoing |
15 | Who has a condition that precludes their attendance at school? | N/A following Government Guidance | Satisfactory | Ongoing |
16 | Is proof required for individual conditions? | N/A following Government Guidance | Satisfactory | Ongoing |
17 | If there is a separate area for temperature testing, holding and isolation areas and are they easily identified and regularly cleaned? | Yes – the Medical Room in the main school which is completely separate from other rooms. | Satisfactory | Ongoing |
18 | Is temperature testing safe, reflecting SD rules, recorded and kept appropriately? | Yes – using temperature scanners which can be operated from a distance. Will only be used if a pupil or member of staff present symptoms and recorded by the School Nurse or in her absence the 1st Aid Co-ordinator. | Satisfactory | Ongoing |
19 | If emergency services are called is there a well understood procedure, RV and cleared routes in and out? | Yes as per our Emergency Procedures | Satisfactory | Ongoing |
20 | If essential work is required on site, are contractors properly registered, inducted supervised and temperature checked? | Contractors are signed in and asked not to enter if exhibiting any symptoms | Satisfactory | Ongoing |
21 | Do medical staff have the appropriate PPE, cleaning materials and training? | Yes – PPE and cleaning materials are in the medical room. Training as part of whole staff training. | Satisfactory | Ongoing |
Support Staff Risk Assessment
Risk | Control Measures | Outcome | Remarks / Re-assessment | |
1 | Are support staff briefed on changes regularly? | Yes by Headmistress bi-weekly briefings and weekly newsletters | Satisfactory | Ongoing |
2 | Do support staff have the appropriate PPE, cleaning materials and training? | Yes the same as teaching staff | Satisfactory | Ongoing |
3 | Are cleaning regimes reviewed and inspected regularly and conforming to revised hygiene rules? | Yes – schedule in place and reviewed regularly. | Satisfactory | Ongoing |
4 | Are all security and access systems regularly checked, updated and re-coded? | Yes as per our maintenance schedule. | Satisfactory | Ongoing |
5 | Have reconfigured areas, zones and routes hampered fire exits and routes? | No – this has been taken into consideration when planning the reconfigures areas which do not hamper the existing fire exit routes. | Satisfactory | Ongoing |
6 | Are fire and other emergency procedures reconfigured, routes clear and regularly inspected? | Yes as part of our Fire Risk Assessment although the changes made do not impinge on what is already in place. | Satisfactory | Ongoing |
Facilities Management Risk Assessment
Risk | Control Measures | Outcome | Remarks / Re-assessment | |
1 | Heating system including fuel levels sufficient? | Yes – the school hasn’t shut down because of KWS so everything has been maintained as normal. Heating Systems were serviced during Autumn half-term. | Good | Ongoing |
2 | Gas supply, venting and valves? | Yes – as above | Good | Ongoing |
3 | Have air conditioning ducts and units been checked and reviewed? | Yes – as above | Good | Ongoing |
4 | Electrical tests up-to-date including emergency lighting and PAT? | Yes as per normal maintenance schedule, PAT testing being carried out May – ensure tester wears gloves. | Good | Ongoing |
5 | Water testing for temperature, flow and legionella in date for test? | Yes – the school hasn’t shut down because of KWS so everything has been maintained as normal | Good | Ongoing |
6 | Fire alarm panel, system and extinguishers in date and serviced? | Yes as above | Good | Ongoing |
7 | Laundry washers and dryers serviceable, able to cope with demand, temperature requirements and have sufficient washing products? | Yes – services up to date. Cleaning products stock kept updated. | Good | Ongoing |
8 | Have waste procedures been reviewed? | Yes – any PPE to be double bagged and kept for 72 hours prior to disposal | Satisfactory | Ongoing |
9 | Are pest control services recorded, deficiencies identified and actioned? | Yes as part of schedule maintenance checks | Good | Ongoing |
10 | School vehicles fully registered, insured, maintained and stocked with appropriate hygiene materials if they are to be used? | Yes Please see section on School transport. | Satisfactory | Ongoing |