Biz Whizz Careers Club

Biz Whizz, our careers club, takes place during tutorial time once a month on a Friday. Three guest industry experts come to share their experiences with students in Years 9-13 (aged 14-18), introducing them to the wonderful array of careers that are available, with students attending whichever one of the talks they’re most interested in. Our speakers usually talk about how they entered their profession and their career journeys, what they do from day to day, the qualities needed, information about their company or place of work, helpful tips and anything else that might be invaluable for our students to know as they consider their options for the future.

We have had an amazing array of speakers during the past few years including all sectors of industry, Science, The Arts, and business, with just some of our recent visitors below. We are most grateful for all our speakers who share their time and passion about their world of work with our students!

Past Speakers

Noel Stevens, Partner with Alder King Property Consultants

Bruce McClure, Social Worker

Lauren Wood, Dentist

Tom Jameson, Clinical Research

Alex Daniels, Volcanologist

NHS Ambassadors

Daniel Clarke, Nursing at the University of Plymouth

Charlie Anderson, BAFTA and Emmy award-winning Producer and Director

Tim Naylor, Observational Astrophysicist

Clare Leonard, Nutritionist

Law students, University of Exeter

Jenny Read, Music Therapist

James Brown, Town Planner

Cpl Scott Wyatt & Sgt Tracie Pickett, RAF

Jacob Tomlinson, Lead Software Engineer

Millicent Teague, Graphic Designer

Gracie Schooling, Sustainability Consultant

Stacey Woodruff, Diagnostic Radiographer in the NHS

Emily Fuller and Angela Speed, Landscape Designers for Tony Benger Landscaping

Jason Button, Army

Phil Creek, Artist

Charlotte Tindall, Marine Biology

Dan Davies, Accountant

Fiona Cox, Head of Department of Modern Languages and Cultures at the University of Exeter

Drs Amy and Ginny Bowick-Garner, Surgeons

Ryan Knight, CEO of CoreTech Security

PC Lindsay Dell, Devon and Cornwall Police