Careers & UCAS

At The Maynard we recognise that effective careers education is vital for preparing young people for working life. It boosts motivation, achievement and helps students to develop the skills needed to make informed decisions about their future.

We have a planned and progressive programme of Careers education which runs throughout the school. Our provision encompasses a wide range of activities and events, which includes how to make good decisions at transitional points, access to the Morrisby Online Careers platform, preparation for work experience, labour market information, evaluation of skills needed for a variety of sectors, links to local employers through our Careers Club Biz Whizz, visits from industry experts, ASK apprenticeship speakers, STEM events and so much more. We follow the eight Gatsby Benchmarks for Careers excellence set out by Sir John Holman, whose report has served as a framework for world-class careers provision in secondary schools in England since 2014. It has recently been updated to reflect current thinking and includes addressing the needs of each young person and providing personal guidance, along with encounters with employers and the work place.  

Explore our variety of resources and opportunities:

Courses and Work Experience
Career Events
University Application and Events

Students’ and Parents’ Guides to University

Useful Links

For more careers advice and guidance, you may find the links below useful:

National Careers Service

Springpod Work Experience, Apprenticeships and University Events

The Beginner’s Guide to a Career in Law

The Law Apprenticeships Guide

The Uni Guide Podcast

University subject guide videos, featuring expert speakers

Russell Group Informed Choices – guide to choosing your degree

T-Levels: A Guide for Parents and Carers

The Stage Magazine: How to Choose Drama Schools Oct 2024

Bulkeley-Evans Scholarship Awards for Gap Years

Amazing Apprenticeships

Government Apprenticeships

WinS (Women in Surgery) Network – connect with over 6,000 women at all stages of their career. Open to Sixth Form and older

Resources for a career in cyber: Cyber Security Career Pathways; CyBOK project; CyberFirst Girls Competition; Cyber Direct Entry Scheme for military cyber roles