“The Maynard School is a very welcoming, happy and nurturing school and the girls do well due to the emphasis on their wellbeing.” The Wellbeing Award for Schools.
In June 2019, we were delighted to become the first (and only) school in Devon to achieve the Wellbeing Award for Schools in recognition of the sheer breadth of provision and robustness of support that we offer to all of our staff, students and wider community.
As the Award states: “The focus on wellbeing and creating a happy and supportive environment emanates from the core of the school in terms of its values, approaches and explicitly in the quality of relationships between staff and children and within the whole school community including parents and governors.”
If you would like to find out more about our extensive wellbeing provision, please do come along to our Wellbeing Presentation Evening on Wednesday 25 September 2019, starting at 5.30pm here at The Maynard. We would be grateful if, for catering purposes, you could let us know how many will be attending via [email protected].