
We love keeping in touch with our Old Maynardians and hearing all of their news!

Throughout the year we send regular updates from the school. We also organise reunions every year for those groups celebrating their 10, 20, 25, 30, 40 and 50 year anniversaries since leaving The Maynard and these are always great fun!

Please Get in Touch

If you are reading this and haven’t heard from us in a while, it may well be because we do not have your up-to-date contact details so do please get in touch using the contact form below:

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To see our regular news, please follow us on our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages, where you can find our about all the goings-on here at The Maynard.

Please also consider following us on LinkedIn and including the updated school page in the Education section of your personal profile. Doing so will list you as an alumna and give our current students and other alumnae the option to connect with you.

As ever, our door is always open and we look forward to seeing you soon!