We are very excited to be opening our brand new ‘Maynard Minis’ Toddler Group in September.
We warmly invite all parents, grandparents and carers with babies and toddlers of any age (boys and girls!) to our weekly Thursday afternoon sessions for a fun hour of play in our brand new Pre-Prep Department.
Plenty of toys and activities will be on offer and the Maynard Minis will have full access to our superb all-weather outdoor play area, supervised by our experienced and friendly staff. The sessions will take place every Thursday during term time during the autumn and spring terms (starting on 8 September 2016) from 2pm-3pm and cost only £1 per family to include refreshments for both adults and the children. We will not be running this group during the summer term.
Attendance can be on an ad hoc basis or, if you prefer, you can pay £10 for the whole term.
This will be a fantastic way for the children to socialise in an informal setting whilst allowing the adults a welcome moment of respite over a cup of tea!
Please contact Wendy Parker on [email protected] or 01392 355998 for more information. We look forward to seeing you soon!