Year 3 trip to Kents Cavern

Posted on October 11, 2019


Year 3 had a fantastic visit to Kents Cavern in Torquay as part of their Stone Age topic. They learned about stalagmites and stalactites, saw cave art and even became archaeologists digging for gems! They visited the Cave of Inscriptions and the Labyrinth to see examples of the earliest tools ever found in Britain, and

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Fabulous Music Showcase

Posted on October 11, 2019


Following the success of the House Song and Junior School Showcase it was the turn of musicians from Upper 3 – Upper 4 to showcase their talent on Wednesday evening. There was a wonderful selection of soloists with vocal performances from different genres and a chance to hear a harp, trumpet and the violin. Well

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Our First Accelerated Reader Word Millionaires!

Posted on October 9, 2019


Many congratulations to our first Accelerated Reader word millionaires for this school year! Ita is the first word millionaire in the senior school, and Sasha is the first in the junior school. To become a word millionaire, girls need to pass Accelerated Reader quizzes on books which contain a total of over one million words.

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Head of Junior Music conducts Military Ladies Choir

Posted on October 9, 2019


Mrs Smith, our Head of Junior Music spent 3 days in Normandy last week conducting the Chivenor Military Ladies Choir.  The choir sang at the American Cemetery above Omaha Beach at Colleville-sur-Mer, gave a concert at Ste Mere Eglise and also performed at Pegasus Bridge; it also visited Arromanches and laid wreaths at Bayeux Cemetery. 

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Congratulations to Merchants, winners of the House Song Competition 2020!

Posted on October 8, 2019


We had such fun at the annual House Song competition, which, this year had a ‘Queen’ theme! The overall collaboration with very senior girls working with all of the lower years is what makes such Whole School House events so special.  The challenge was met with enormous enthusiasm by all of the houses and, as ever,

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One World Week in the Junior School

Posted on October 8, 2019


The Junior School’s annual One World Week took place from 30 September – 4 October, with a focus this year on the power of language.  Around the Junior School and Pre-Prep the girls have been celebrating different cultures and languages – there has been Brazilian dance, sign language learned, contentious world trading games, stories from

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Year 5 and 6 Musical Showcase

Posted on October 8, 2019


What a fabulous musical afternoon we had for the annual Year 5 and 6 Showcase!  There was so much to fit in and the audience was richly entertained from violin, piano and singing performances to hearing slightly less common instruments such as the viola, French horn and even the melodica.  All of Year 5 sang and the

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Celebrating National Poetry Day

Posted on October 8, 2019


Thursday 3 October was National Poetry Day, and teachers and students across the school spent the day dipping into varied verses. Many departments shared poems based specifically on their subjects. Some poems led to deep discussions about the concepts within them, others offered students the challenge of tongue-twisting lines, especially PE’s ‘THWOK!’ by Matt Harvey,

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Hockey Successes!

Posted on October 8, 2019


There has been some great hockey being played lately!  The U18 team proved invincible at the Tier 4 Tournament at Plymouth Marjons, winning all of their games in their pool (4-0 vs Plymouth College, 1-0 vs Colyton, 1-0 vs West Buckland, 4-0 vs Shebbear). This put the team top in their pool whereupon they played

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Top ten best value school in the UK again

Posted on September 18, 2019


We are delighted to have been voted again as one of the top ten best value private schools in the UK by the Daily Telegraph. We continue to achieve this status year-on-year based on our academic excellence, the sheer volume of extra-curricular opportunities and our sporting prowess versus the “significantly more manageable price” of our

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Five-star rating for our awesome catering team!

Posted on September 18, 2019


Huge congratulations to Andrew and his catering team who have, once again, been awarded the top food hygiene rating of five following their spot inspection on Tuesday 10 September 2019. We are incredibly proud of the exceptional school meals that are served to students and staff on a daily basis, and the inspectors were certainly

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Cast set for ‘Legally Blonde’

Posted on September 18, 2019


Following a whirlwind of auditions to kick start the Autumn Term, the cast has now been confirmed for next year’s production of ‘Legally Blonde’. Ms Bellamy and Miss Blackwell were overwhelmed by the sheer quality (and quantity) of all those that came forward to audition which made for a nigh-on impossible task when it came

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Olivia gains selection into pilot academy

Posted on September 18, 2019


Congratulations to Olivia Taylor in the Sixth Form who sailed through a rigorous three stage application process to gain a place on the Skyborne EASA Integrated ATPL training course to become a fully qualified airline pilot. Not only was she the only female to be selected but, at just 17-years old, she was the youngest

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Twelve ‘Go Gold’

Posted on September 18, 2019


Twelve of our top sportswomen joined forces with 400 other sporty females from across the country at the annual ‘Girls Go Gold Conference’ at the University of Bath on Thursday 12 September 2019. Pam Cookey, ex-England Netball captain, commonwealth medallist and successful engineer opened the conference with a speech about the importance of sport on

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Upper 3 go wild at Escot!

Posted on September 18, 2019


The Upper 3 had a wonderful time at Escot on their teambuilding day at the start of the Autumn Term. Mrs Rowley, Mrs Bean and Miss Hartopp, the Upper 3 tutor team, had a thoroughly great time with this lovely lot. The girls got lost in mazes, daringly threw themselves down the drop slide and

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Sixth Formers enjoy London Art Trip

Posted on September 18, 2019


The Sixth Form Art students enjoyed a busy day in London on Saturday 14 September, visiting the last day of the Cindy Sherman retrospective at the National Portrait Gallery before heading off to the BP Portrait exhibition to soak up inspiration and luxuriate in the variety and quality of the work on display.  After lunch, and having explored

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National swimming success for Emma

Posted on September 18, 2019


Huge congratulations to Emma in Lower 4 who competed in the Belgian National Swimming Championships during the summer holidays, gaining a silver medal in the 100m backstroke race for 12 year olds. This is a remarkable achievement at a top level competition and is richly deserved. Well done, Emma!

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Record breaking LAMDA results

Posted on September 18, 2019


The Drama Department are celebrating some remarkable LAMDA results with a 100% pass rate and 95% of the girls gaining Distinction – this is most rare and really hard to achieve, especially in the higher grades. A very big well done to all of the girls and a special thank you to their teacher, Mrs

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Alumna completes 230-mile charity cycle ride

Posted on September 18, 2019


Old Maynardian, Ellie Ramsay, successfully completed her 230-mile charity bike ride from London to the Eiffel Tower in July, raising over £1250 for Breast Cancer Now. This is all the more remarkable given Ellie had not completed any cycling prior to the event and had only minutes before the start to learn how to use

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Posted on August 22, 2019


72.9% of all Maynard grades are 7-9 (versus the national average of 20.8%). Nearly one quarter of all results are awarded the highest grade 9 46.7% are Grade 8 or 9 This year saw a whole raft of high achieving students with some excellent results including a total of 10 students who gained eight or

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All 25 complete gruelling Ten Tors challenge

Posted on May 13, 2019


We are delighted that all 25 of our students who took part in the legendary Ten Tors Challenge over the weekend of 10 – 12 May 2019 successfully completed their various routes. Historically, The Maynard is a massive advocate of Ten Tors and this year was no exception with two teams embarking on the 35-mile

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Staggering summer concert

Posted on May 13, 2019


Congratulations to all those involved in the Summer Concert on Thursday 9 May 2019 for yet another sublime occasion showing off the most remarkable talent.This was a fantastically joyous musical celebration and a fitting finale for the large number of Upper 6 girls who have given so much to the school’s music-making.  With superb soloists,

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“As good as the West End” Showcase

Posted on May 13, 2019


We enjoyed quite the most spectacular Gym and Dance Showcase on Wednesday 8 May 2019, when all the Pre-Prep and Junior School girls came together in an explosion of fun, colour and smiles. They have been working on their performances since February; in Dance classes with Mrs Fabian, Ballet lessons with Mrs Barlow and Gymnastics

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Pitch perfect at the National Finals of the UK Youth Rocketry Challenge

Posted on May 13, 2019


We are extremely proud of our Rocket Club team who qualified for the UK Youth Rocketry National Finals in Lincolnshire on Wednesday 8 May 2019 having designed, built and perfected their own rocket in their weekly after-school club. They acquitted themselves superbly although the inclement weather(hammering rain, low cloud cover and strong winds) meant that

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French trip a fabulous success

Posted on May 13, 2019


We were very proud to hear from Mme Smith that all of her Upper 3 and Lower 4 girls made the absolute most of their French trip to St Omer over the Bank Holiday weekend of 3-6 May 2019, taking every opportunity to practise their speaking skills whilst also being polite and great fun! In

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Everocean, the Young Enterprise success story

Posted on April 30, 2019


Everocean, our brilliant Young Enterprise team, continues to ride the crest of a wave to secure an excellent second place and the overall YE prize for teamwork at the Devon County Finals on Wednesday 24 April 2019.  “The journey was long and arduous, but infinitely fulfilling and educational as well. Such great experiences have only

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Lift off in the UK Youth Rocketry Challenge

Posted on April 30, 2019


After weeks of design and preparation, the Rocket Club girls gathered during the Easter holidays for the official launch of their device under the watchful eye of the UK Youth Rocketry Challenge (UKROC) official assessor. Selection of the venue was key and a suitably quiet Devon field was found away from the Exeter Airport flightpath

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The Great British Dance Off: A place in the finals at our first attempt

Posted on April 30, 2019


We were on flying form at the South West Regional Round of the Great British Dance Off in Bath on Tuesday 23 April 2019. Despite this being our inaugural entry into such a competition, the 28 girls from Upper 3 (Year 7) astounded the judges with a polished performance combining both horror, drama and some

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