We are Warriors NOT Worriers

Posted on April 30, 2019


The entire Year Three in the Junior School particularly enjoyed their final Forest School session of the academic year which was themed to also combine their History topic. So they all dressed up as Celtic Warriors led by Queen Boudicca and had fun hiding from each other behind trees and in bushes, thinking of some clever ways to camouflage

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Through to the next round of the BBC’s 500 Words story competition

Posted on April 30, 2019


A record number of girls this year have made it through to the next round of BBC Radio 2’s 500 Words story competition and our congratulations to Hannah and Rose in Year 6, Evie and Hattie from Upper 3 and Lilly in Lower 4. Out of well over 100,000 entries only 5000 were selected through

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Another successful England selection for Ellie

Posted on April 30, 2019


Congratulations to Ellie in Lower 4 (Year 8) who put up another of her consistently brilliant show jumping performances in March, again donning the English flag as part of the Youth Nations Cup team competing in the ‘Children on Horses’ class at an FEI international show in Belgium. Riding the ever-reliable My Lucky Day, Ellie

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Debut England performance for Natalie

Posted on April 30, 2019


Natalie, one of our sporting superstars in Upper 4 (Year 9), launched her England Basketball career with her first ever national camp in Manchester during the Easter holidays. Following three gruelling days of training, she was selected in the top 15 (from 35) to play for the England Under 15 team in matches against the

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“Spice Girls” to storm the stage at Maynard’s Got Talent

Posted on March 26, 2019


The second ever Maynard’s Got Talent will take place on Thursday 4 April 2019, starting at 7pm in the Performing Arts Centre and we can look forward to another feast of excellent performances. This is a vital fundraiser, organised by the South African Sports Tour 2018 students, for the charity SOS Africa. The girls have

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Spring Performing Arts Concert spectacular

Posted on March 26, 2019


The Spring Performing Arts Concert on Thursday 21 March 2019 was another almighty success and a fantastic opportunity to sample the incredible talent that permeates our school.With the 50th anniversary of the moon landing, the 100th anniversary of the premiere of Holst’s The Planets and Earth Day fast approaching, the theme for this concert was

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Adventure inspiration from Anna McNuff

Posted on March 26, 2019


We were truly fortunate to host the incredible Anna McNuff, explorer extraordinaire, for a fascinating and inspirational talk about her intrepid adventures to date. As a former GB rower who made the bold decision to give it all up on the basis that it wasn’t for her (even though her parents were Olympians) and then

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Great Britain equestrian selection for Ellie

Posted on March 26, 2019


Congratulations to Ellie in Lower 4 (Year 8) who has been selected to represent Great Britain in the Children on Horses squad for the Youth Nations Cup being held in Opglabbeek, Belgium. This will be Ellie’s second outing wearing the Union Flag and we wish her the very best of luck! Here at The Maynard,

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Sponsored skip-a-thon raises huge amount for NSPCC

Posted on March 26, 2019


The Junior School and Pre-Prep have raised a staggering £1444.33 from their sponsored skip-a-thon and received a visit from Kerry, the NSPCC respresentative, on Thursday 21 March 2019 to pass on the charity’s enormous gratitude for the donation. Kerry explained to the girls that this will be enough to train a new member of staff who

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Junior School make pledges against plastic

Posted on March 26, 2019


The Junior School and Pre-Prep have raised a staggering £1444.33 from their sponsored skip-a-thon and received a visit from Kerry, the NSPCC respresentative, on Thursday 21 March 2019 to pass on the charity’s enormous gratitude for the donation. Kerry explained to the girls that this will be enough to train a new member of staff who

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Lower 4 enjoy Wellbeing and Mindfulness classes

Posted on March 26, 2019


As part of our Wellbeing and PSHE programme, the entire Lower 4 (Year 8) have been learning about mindfulness through a series of yoga classes this term in order to help them learn the necessary strategies to deal with the pressures and stresses of teenage life, especially during exam periods.  Furthermore, the sessions have really

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Bee-fantastic continues in the Pre-Prep

Posted on March 26, 2019


Following their numerous Bee Week activities the Pre-Prep girls received a lovely surprise in the post recently with confirmation of their very own adopted beehive, together with some delicious honey! The hive is located in the spring at the Perthshire fruit farms and is relocated in late summer each year to the higher moorlands where

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ISI Regulatory Compliance Inspection 2019

Posted on March 20, 2019


We are delighted to have met every single standard with no action points to follow up on and no improvements necessary.  Following the Regulatory Compliance Inspection in February 2019 by the Independent School Inspectorate (ISI – the Ofsted equivalent for independent schools), we are delighted to have met every single standard set by the Department for Education

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Discovery Morning – ‘A Celebration of the Oceans’

Posted on March 15, 2019


The School Hall looked resplendent, complete even with a real-life mermaid, for another of our ever-popular Discovery Mornings on Saturday 7 March 2019. We welcomed over 80 guests aged from Pre-Prep through to Year 6 for a host of sea-themed activities. The girls enjoyed an array of arts and crafts, Forest School and the added

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Storming success: The Caucasian Chalk Circle

Posted on March 15, 2019


The three night run of the Senior School production of Brecht’s ‘Caucasian Chalk Circle’ on 6-8 March 2019 has been hailed another almighty success for our thriving Drama Department.  The stark scenery, the intimate seating, the sound, lighting and costumes all perfectly reflected the ghastly war era and the sad story of Brecht’s ‘Grusha’, the

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Students unveil Civic Society’s blue plaque to honour Stephen Simpson

Posted on March 15, 2019


We marked a huge historical moment on Thursday 7 March 2019 with the official unveiling of the Exeter Civic Society’s blue plaque to honour the life and work of Stephen Simpson who lived in Tregear (housing the Art and Music Departments) from 1899-1912. This was particularly significant as three of his great, great grandchildren attend

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“Sparkling with promise” – award-winning author is one of our biggest fans!

Posted on March 15, 2019


We were delighted and thrilled to receive some superlative feedback from award-winning author, Claire Barker, following her recent visit to the Junior School on World Book Day. We couldn’t have written this ourselves! “As a children’s author with two series of books on the go, I visit many schools as part of my working life,

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Natalie gains England selection

Posted on March 15, 2019


Congratulations to Natalie (Upper 4) our Under 14 Basketball captain who recently heard that she has been selected for the England Basketball Squad. We are so incredibly proud to have such talent in our midst and we wish her every luck for a successful, and thoroughly well-deserved, future at the top of her game.

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The Food & Nutrition room – a hub activity

Posted on March 15, 2019


The ever-popular Food & Nutrition room has been a hive of activity over recent weeks, playing host to the recent GCSE practical assessments (26 – 28 February 2019) and numerous other mouth-wateringly delicious culinary ventures. The Upper 5 girls kept incredible calm throughout their three hour assessments, holding their nerve to produce a three course

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Gymnastics Success

Posted on March 15, 2019


Many congratulations to our three gymnastics teams who competed in the British Schools Gymnastics Association South West Regional Competition on Sunday 3 March 2019, where they were competing in the Team Floor and Vault competition. The weeks and months of preparation paid off and the girls all performed superbly, doing themselves and their coaches proud.

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Mock Trial proves careers hit

Posted on March 15, 2019


Our legal eagles, as well as those from our neighbouring schools, thoroughly enjoyed the Mock Trial held here at school on Tuesday 26 February 2019. This was the conclusion to a series of interesting Law workshops run by an inspiring group of Exeter University Law students. It was a really fun evening, but also very

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Sixth Formers enjoy Berlin’s rich history

Posted on March 15, 2019


During the half term break, 23 Lower and Upper Sixth students took part in a History study trip to Berlin. We had an action-packed schedule and the students experienced in real life much of what they had learned about in the classroom.  One of the most memorable tours was that of the charming Cecilienhof in

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Law workshops a huge success

Posted on February 15, 2019


We have really enjoyed hosting the Exeter University Law students, who have run a series of three lunchtime workshops for students who are either interested in a career as a lawyer or just in finding out more about the laws of this country. The workshops have been both inspiring and educational. We have covered numerous

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Busy time for our Sports Leaders

Posted on February 15, 2019


It’s a busy time of year for our Upper 5 Sports Leaders and, having spent the Autumn Term developing their leadership skills and behaviours, they are now practising their communication, organisation and motivation techniques whilst teaching Year 2 multi-games at St Leonard’s Primary School. This will culminate in hosting a sports festival here at the

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Wellbeing Information Evening proves a popular addition

Posted on February 15, 2019


We hosted our first Wellbeing Information Evening on Wednesday 13 February 2019 with really positive feedback from the Upper 3 Parents. As one parent stated, “It was a great evening and I think you are doing wonderful things with the girls.” The evening informed parents of the new Upper 3 PSHE tutor programme which incorporates

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More cracking netball results!

Posted on February 15, 2019


Well done to all our many teams who have been out sporting the Maynard blue (and pink) throughout the week beginning Monday 11 February 2019. The entire Year 5 played local rivals, Exeter Cathedral School, topping off some excellent play with equally fantastic results. The Under 10A won 6-3 whilst the Under 10B team posted

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Emma Declerck storms the Devon County Swimming Championships

Posted on February 15, 2019


Huge congratulations to Emma Declerck (Upper 3) who was super impressive at the recent Devon County Swimming Championships, scooping a total of six individual medals whilst also breaking her personal best in every race! She won silver in the 200m and 50m backstroke and four bronzes for the 50m freestyle, 50m backstroke, the 100m breaststroke

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A-level students meet their Geography idol

Posted on February 15, 2019


Our Sixth Form Geographers were treated to a series of lectures with world renowned experts at the Plymouth University A-Level Geohazards Conference on Monday 4 February 2019. Amongst the speakers was Professor Iain Stewart, best known for his BBC series ‘Power of the Planet’ and ‘Rise of the Continents’ to name a few, who delivered

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