‘Embrace’ film screening packs a punch

Posted on November 23, 2018


As part of our ongoing wellbeing programme at The Maynard, we welcomed parents and their daughters to a special screening of the film, ‘Embrace’, in our Performing Arts Centre on Tuesday 13 November 2018. Our thanks to the Head Girl Team who orchestrated the whole event, having already seen the film in school last term

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Autumn Concert is a resounding success

Posted on November 23, 2018


108 girls – yes, a large proportion of the school – took part in the Autumn Concert on Thursday 15 November 2018 and, whilst we seem to say every year ‘it was the best one yet’, all the evidence suggests that this one might well have been! With pupils from Year 4 upwards involved and

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Biz Whizz – the successes of the ‘Ultimate Careers Club’

Posted on November 23, 2018


Our weekly Biz Whizz careers club roars on and the girls in the Senior School and Sixth Form continue to have their eyes opened to a whole realm of opportunity within a wide variety of careers thanks to our numerous professional volunteers. So far this Autumn Term we have covered medicine, film production and direction,

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Paving the way in the new Youth STEMM Award

Posted on November 23, 2018


At a time when careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths and Medicine are crying out for women to join their professional ranks, we are delighted to become the first school in the South West to sign up to the new Youth STEMM Award. Although launched in 2015, the Award has only been opened up this

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Under 16 Netball team through to the County Finals

Posted on November 23, 2018


Our Under 16 Netball team drew their rematch against Exeter School on Wednesday 14 November to clinch their place in the County Finals on Thursday 29 November. This game was the culmination of the recent Area Tournament in which a scoring mix-up between the two sides resulted in another fixture to decipher who would go

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Bluebird Care returns to the Pre-Prep

Posted on November 23, 2018


The Pre-Prep once again gave a very warm welcome to four ladies from Bluebird Care on Tuesday 13 November and a great afternoon was had by all! The girls gave a sterling performance of some of the songs they have been learning with Mrs Smith, including those for the Christmas Show, which had our elderly

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Geographers enjoy a stunning Iceland trip

Posted on November 23, 2018


The A-level and GCSE Geography girls enjoyed an amazing trip to Iceland over the October half term, taking in many of the most popular sites this incredible country has to offer. Highlights included the Glazier Walk where everyone was kitted out with ice axes, crampons and helmets before climbing up one of the glaciers, Solheimjokull.

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Raising the roof at the House Song Competition

Posted on November 23, 2018


The Mamma Mia-themed House Song competition on Thursday 8 November 2018 proved another hugely competitive affair and, although only in its second year, this latest rendition certainly raised the bar for future events. The House Captains did a fabulous job leading the rehearsals in the build-up and all four houses produced some slick performances peppered

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‘Tommy’ graces our grounds to mark Remembrance Day

Posted on November 23, 2018


Our thanks to Mrs Wilks and all those members of staff who contributed so generously to the Royal British Legion’s campaign and enabling us to install our very own Tommy Silhouette in time for the build up to Remembrance Day. We felt it especially important to mark the World War One centenary this year with

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Incredible creativity in the Textiles room

Posted on November 23, 2018


The Textiles room has been a hive of activity this term, again playing host to two popular and very well attended weekly clubs in addition to the curriculum learning. The creative output from Mrs Finnegan and her girls is always quite spectacular but none more so than this fabulous costume, meticulously hand stitched, by Lowena

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Gigi banks a life-long memory playing at the Royal Albert Hall

Posted on November 23, 2018


“On Wednesday 10 October I was lucky enough to be asked to play in the Royal Albert Hall for the National Schools’ Primary Proms. As part of my studies at the Royal College of Music on Saturdays, I play with an octet which is super friendly and something I have never done before so I

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England netballer helps Under 14 team to victory

Posted on November 23, 2018


Congratulations to our talented Under 14 Netball team who secured some convincing wins against three local sides in the Area Netball Tournament on Wednesday 10 October to breeze through to the Devon County Round in November. We thank ex-England netballer and Maynard alumna, Jo Vann, who returned to inspire this generation of players with some

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Huge attendance at Open Morning

Posted on October 5, 2018


Over 50 families joined us for a hugely successful Open Morning on Saturday 29 September 2018. The school was alive with a plethora of different activities, run by the students themselves, from coding, pond dipping in Biology, fashion design, celebrating the centenary of the end of World War I right through to meeting ‘Shakespeare’ in

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Sixth Former wins prestigious Oxford University essay prize

Posted on October 5, 2018


Huge congratulations to Chloe Lamb (Upper 6), for winning the politics section of the Oxford University’s Stubbs Society essay prize for her complex piece entitled: War is the continuation of politics by other means (Clausewitz 1780-1831). Discuss. Chloe was originally one of 10 shortlisted for this prestigious award for showing the “most impressive aptitude in

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Biz Whizz: Film Production and Directing

Posted on September 25, 2018


We enjoyed another excellent careers talk on Friday 21 September 2018, this time from Philippa Waddell, the founder and owner of Wildhorse Films. Over thirty girls attended this entirely voluntary session and they all listened avidly to Philippa recounting how she worked her way up in the industry to be where she is today. She

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Literary Festival Poetry Slam

Posted on September 25, 2018


Two teams from Upper 4 (Year 9) took part in the Devon Schools’ Poetry Slam workshop and competition at the Budleigh Salterton Literary Festival on Thursday 20 September 2018. The teams were Rose Finnegan and Alex Hudson, as well as Eleanor Cumbley and Daisy Hoban. Both teams wrote wonderful poems and performed them absolutely brilliantly,

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Ideal conditions for Bronze Duke of Edinburgh training

Posted on September 25, 2018


Twenty nine girls from the Lower 5 (Year 10) all successfully completed their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh training over the weekend of 15/16 September 2018 and they were treated to ideal walking conditions for their trek around the stunning East Devon countryside. They all set off on Saturday morning from Sidbury car park for their

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Up close with Clare Balding OBE at Girls Go Gold

Posted on September 25, 2018


Twelve of our elite athletes had the most amazing day at the Girls Go Gold Conference in Oxfordshire on Friday 14 September 2018 and the highlight for many was being able to meet and chat with Clare Balding OBE. They were treated to some particularly memorable keynote speakers and the event launched with brain tumour

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‘The Wipers Times’ at the Northcott Theatre

Posted on September 25, 2018


On Wednesday 12 September 2018, the GCSE and A-level Drama students went to see Ian Hislop’s funny and thought-provoking ‘The Wipers Times’ at The Northcott Theatre. Set in the trenches of WW1 the show charts the creation and rise of the real life story of the satirical newspaper, ‘The Wipers Times’. Following a sell-out West

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Settling in at the Pre-Prep

Posted on September 25, 2018


All ten new girls in the Reception class have enjoyed a great first full week getting to know their classmates and they already appear to be fully settled in their new life at The Maynard. There has been all sorts of fun and creativity in the classroom and they have been loving spending time with

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Equestrian individual and team success

Posted on September 25, 2018


Many congratulations to all our riders who competed at the National Schools NSEA Show Jumping qualifier at Bicton Arena on Sunday 9 September 2018. It was wonderful to welcome Isobel Davies (Lower 6) who was competing for the first time for The Maynard and she put in a fantastic double clear to finish second in

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Miss Blackwell plays alongside Sheku

Posted on September 25, 2018


Two days after his performance at the BBC Proms in the Royal Albert Hall, Sheku Kanneh-Mason was in Budleigh Salterton to headline their Music Festival in July 2018. Sheku is the young cellist who performed at the wedding of Prince Harry, following winning BBC Young Musician of the Year and the success of his Number

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Sensational South Africa Sports Tour

Posted on September 25, 2018


Twenty one girls had the trip of a lifetime during the summer holidays when travelling to South Africa for their hockey and netball sports tour. Aside from playing superbly in all their training opportunities and matches against local sides from Cape Town and beyond, they also had plenty of time to soak up the area’s

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100% completion rate in Gold DofE Expedition

Posted on September 25, 2018


Congratulations to all our many Sixth Formers who enjoyed a hugely successful four day and four night Gold Duke of Edinburgh expedition in the Brecon Beacons during the July heatwave. This was the final assessment for 20 of them and training for one (due to a foot injury causing a missed training walk) and, despite

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The Maynard excels under the new GCSE grading system

Posted on August 23, 2018


After the success of last week’s A-Level results, The Maynard School is thrilled to have achieved another outstanding set of results at GCSE level. In a year of uncertainty and change with the well-publicised reforms to the Year 11 examination system, our students have performed superbly to triple the national average of the top grades

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Excellent A-level Results for Maynard Students

Posted on August 16, 2018


 – The Maynard in Exeter doubles the national average for A*- A grades Maynard student, Charlotte Miller, was given the best possible 18th birthday present today when she opened her envelope to discover she had achieved three A*s in her Maths, Physics and Chemistry A-levels. Alongside her was her proud mother, pre-empting the celebrations with a

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Senior School Sports Day

Posted on July 6, 2018


The Senior School Sports Day was fortunate enough to coincide with the departure of the recent heatwave and the cloudier conditions were greeted with much relief when the school decamped to Exeter Arena on Tuesday 3 July 2018. As ever, there were some hugely competitive races and field events but, most importantly, the day was

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Cross-curricular days celebrate the ‘vote for women’

Posted on July 6, 2018


The students in Years 7, 8 and 9 thoroughly enjoyed their cross-curricular days designed to celebrate the 100year anniversary since women were first allowed to vote in the UK. Starting off on Monday 25 June 2018 with an assembly covering topics such as the British suffragettes and the status of women’s rights in Saudi Arabia,

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Proud to host the annual Primary Mathematics Challenge

Posted on July 6, 2018


On Tuesday 26 June, we welcomed 84 pupils from 20 primary schools across the region for the annual and very competitive Primary Mathematics Challenge. Teams of enthusiastic budding mathematicians from Year 5 represented their schools in this fun all-day competition by completing a variety of exciting and challenging problem-solving activities, from relay races to crossnumbers

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