A busy penultimate week of summer fun

Posted on July 6, 2018


The penultimate week of the Summer Term has provided plenty of exciting new experiences for students in both the Junior and Senior School. Whilst the students in Upper 5 enjoyed a week of work experience in a number of companies both in Devon and further afield, the Lower 5 language girls were soaking up the

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Film night fundraiser a huge success

Posted on July 6, 2018


We would like to extend a big thank you to all the Junior School girls who supported our South Africa Sports Tour 2018 fundraising event on Thursday 28 June 2018. Fifty five girls attended and had fun on Leebourne playing parachute games with the Lower 5 tour girls, followed by a hotdog before snuggling into

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Pre-Prep Sports Day a scorching success

Posted on July 6, 2018


The glorious summer sunshine has allowed for some exceptional sports days this term and on Friday 22 June 2018 the Pre-Prep girls enjoyed a brilliant day, supported by a large crowd of parents and relatives on Leebourne Lawn. Each and every one took part in a range of different challenges including the Turtle and Spoon

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Bucking the Physics gender gap

Posted on May 23, 2018


On Thursday 17 May 2018, the BBC reported on the worrying lack of girls studying A-level Physics with an article entitled “How Physics gender gap starts in the classroom”. The article highlighted that in 2016 just 1.9% of girls chose A-level Physics and were outnumbered with four boys choosing Physics for every one girl. It

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Women’s Empowerment and Leadership Day

Posted on May 23, 2018


Our thanks to Westonbirt School for hosting 12 of our students at the GSA Women’s Empowerment and Leadership Day on Monday 21 May 2018. It was a fantastic event featuring some excellent motivational speakers and workshops; we were very proud of our girls for asking such incisive questions and so thoroughly engaging themselves in the

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Wellbeing Programme recognises Mental Health Awareness Week

Posted on May 23, 2018


The girls in Upper 4 and Lower 5 (Years 9 & 10) thoroughly enjoyed the showing of ‘Embrace’ on Friday 18 May 2018 which we held as part of our Wellbeing Programme in recognition of Mental Health Awareness week. ‘Embrace’ is an exceptionally powerful film that focuses on body image and self-esteem with a strong

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Year 6: The coding experts

Posted on May 23, 2018


The Year 6 students are certainly showing huge aptitude and confidence in their coding lessons this term and have been racing through their various tasks. So far, they have learned about strings and variables, creating code with while loops and then testing their code with emulators, before downloading their programmes to microbits. During the rest

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A-level Geography trip to Yorkshire

Posted on May 23, 2018


Our Lower 6 Geographers have returned to school feeling invigorated in their studies following three gloriously sunny days spent in the Yorkshire Dales from 14 – 16 May 2018. From investigating carbon stores, collecting hydrology data and undertaking various statistical tests in the grounds near Malham Tern, right through to visiting the Ribblehead valley survey

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Year 3 have fun in the sun at the Wembury Marine Centre

Posted on May 23, 2018


Our Year Three had a great time at the Wembury Marine Centre on Tuesday 15 May 2018 where they were led by the Devon Wildlife Trust in numerous activities to discover the enormous variety of creatures that inhabit our seas. A session of rockpooling discovered many different species of crabs, starfish and creatures related to

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100% completion in Ten Tors

Posted on May 15, 2018


Huge congratulations to all 21 students who took part in and completed the Ten Tors Challenge over the weekend of 11-13 May 2018. Both of our 35-mile teams finished in very good times and, despite being given different routes, they crossed the line with only 20 minutes separating them. Equally, our very determined 45-milers kept

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Dazzling Summer Concert

Posted on May 15, 2018


The Summer Concert on Thursday 10 May 2018 was a somewhat nostalgic occasion, being the final public performances of our super talented Upper 6 girls but it proved a wonderful celebration of both them and their time at school. Almost half of the year group took to the stage in some guise, either as a

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Great Britain selection for Eleanor Simpson

Posted on May 15, 2018


We are so excited for Eleanor Simpson (Year 7) who has been selected onto the British show jumping team to compete at the Nations Cup in Austria over the weekend of 18-20 May 2018. At only 12 years old, Ellie will be the youngest member of the Children on Horses squad following a particularly successful

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Gym and Dance Showcase

Posted on May 15, 2018


There wasn’t a spare seat in the Performing Arts Centre on Tuesday 8 May, such is the reputation of the Pre-Prep and Junior School Gym and Dance Showcase. A packed audience was treated to class dances from Reception up to Year 6 with a wonderful array of themes from fairies, butterflies, crazy haired trolls, Scottish

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IET Faraday Challenge Day

Posted on May 15, 2018


On Friday 11 May 2018, we hosted a Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) challenge to which we welcomed five Year 8 teams from visiting schools, as well as fielding our own team. Delivered by the Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET), the day turned out to be a whirlwind of activity and competition. The

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Exeter Art Show raises £15,000 for YoungMinds

Posted on May 1, 2018


Thank you to everyone for supporting the Exeter Art Show over the weekend of 21-22 April 20-18. It was the biggest and best yet, breaking all previous records for sales. Early estimations suggest we have raised over £15,000 for YoungMinds, our charity partner, but we will confirm the exact figure just as soon as we

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Ten Tors teams selected

Posted on May 1, 2018


Congratulations to all those girls who committed themselves so fully to the training for this year’s Ten Tors on 11-13 May. Dartmoor in winter is somewhat hostile but this never dampened the Maynard spirit and we are excited to have three strong teams, and one individual walking with another team, to cheer on over the

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Prepare to be wowed at the Summer Concert

Posted on May 1, 2018


Our annual Summer Concert, celebrating the incredible and varied talents of our senior musicians, will be taking place on Thursday 10 May at 7.30pm in the new Performing Arts Centre. In addition to the chamber choir, jazz band and orchestras, this is also an opportunity to hear our gifted Upper 6  musicians perform for the

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New Head Girl team announced

Posted on April 30, 2018


We are delighted to announce that, following a staff and student vote, Daisy Birkin has been appointed as the Head Girl for the next academic year. She will be supported by a team of wonderful ambassadors for the School, namely: Katherine Byles, Amelia Dudman, Gigi Hetherington, Laura Kerr, Chloe Lamb and Eve Stevens. Congratulations to

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Eco Warriors fight the battle against plastic

Posted on April 30, 2018


As part of their mission to raise awareness about the devastating effect plastic is causing to the world’s oceans, our Eco Warriors team have been rifling the classroom bins to see how much plastic they could find. Shockingly, they collected three bin bags full in just 20 minutes, reinforcing their point that the use of

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New Outdoor Adventure Society is launched

Posted on April 30, 2018


Our newly launched Outdoor Adventure Society has proven a popular addition to the other 60 or so clubs that we offer to our students each week. Held every Tuesday afternoon, the Society encourages girls to experiment with different outdoor activities and has so far seen them high roping at the River Dart Country Park and

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Pre-Prep Forest School resumes

Posted on April 30, 2018


The girls in Pre-Prep have been having a wonderful time with their weekly Forest School sessions to coincide with the advent of summer. Each week there is a different theme to run in conjunction with their classroom studies but always designed with fun in mind! Last week saw the Years 1 and 2 making Forest

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First World War Battlefields trip

Posted on April 30, 2018


A group of Year 10 and 11 (Lower and Upper 5) students enjoyed an incredibly poignant History trip to the First World War Battlefields during the Easter holidays. Staying in the beautiful town of Ypres, the girls had two brilliant tours of the Ypres Salient and the Somme battlefields and were even able to walk

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Hallelujah to the cast and crew of Sister Act – a sublime production!

Posted on March 13, 2018


The curtain came down on the three night (and sell-out) run of Sister Act at the Barnfield Theatre from 7-6 March to rave reviews! A huge Hallelujah to all the wonderful young women of the cast and crew, who performed and worked at such a high level, and gave it their all in true Maynardian

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More sponsorship rolls in for the Rathbones Exeter Art Show

Posted on March 7, 2018


It’s full steam ahead for the Rathbones Exeter Art Show being held here at The Maynard from 20-22 April 2018. Our grateful thanks to all of our sponsors – Rathbones, Knight Frank, Darts Farm, Foot Anstey and recent additions to come on board, The Exeter! Together we are going to make this the biggest and

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Mother’s Day Tea Party for charity

Posted on March 7, 2018


Please support our students who have organised a very special Mother’s Day Tea Party in aid of the charity, SOS Africa. Taking place in the Main School Hall on Monday 12 March from 4pm, there will be plenty of treats and opportunities to feel very spoiled! **Pre-Prep mums – please note this is a separate

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‘Best yet’ Discovery Morning

Posted on March 7, 2018


The latest Discovery Morning on Saturday 23 February went off with a blast and we enjoyed welcoming over 70 families to the school! The Main School Hall looked totally stunning with its new-look, ethical bunting and decorations replacing the helium balloons of old. We are grateful to our Estates Team who, once again, rose to

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Full house at our Forest School

Posted on March 7, 2018


The second of our five week Forest School course for toddlers was hailed an enormous success on Tuesday 6 March 2018 and, unlike the previous session held in bitterly cold conditions, the weather stayed fine for everyone to have a bumper time. A Mother’s Day theme prevailed with card making and planting bulbs in gift

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Sixth Form adventure activities

Posted on March 7, 2018


Following on from last term’s caving, climbing and team building exercises, the students in the Sixth Form are now turning their hands to a spot of sailing down at the quay. During their six week course from February through to the end of March 2018, they will learn about all things nautical from wind direction,

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Wonderful New York trip

Posted on February 23, 2018


The half term History trip to New York was hailed an outstanding success despite the same never-ending rain that we were experiencing in Devon! In many ways, the continual soakings as they wandered between the very many attractions made the trip all the more memorable, with highlights including (but not limited to); visiting Liberty and

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Outstanding and truly inspirational lecture

Posted on February 23, 2018


Mollie Hughes, the famous adventurer and mountaineer who last year became the youngest woman in the world to successfully summit Mount Everest from both the North and South sides, delivered an extraordinary talk to a packed audience on Tuesday 20 February 2018. We also had the pleasure of welcoming several West Exe students on top

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