Daisy: Gymnastics silver medallist

Posted on November 22, 2023

Daisy smiling with medals

We were as proud as punch to learn that Daisy (Upper 3/Year 7) was back in the gymnastics medals again, winning silver on the vault at the English Riviera Open. What fabulous news and a very, very well done from us all here at The Maynard!

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Sophie: GB Archery selection

Posted on November 22, 2023

Sophie pulling back a bow

Enormous congratulations to Sophie (Lower 6) who has been selected onto the Archery GB National Talent Development Programme and is now in full training to take on the crème de la crème in this incredibly competitive sport at national event across the UK. We wish her absolutely every success and can’t wait to follow her

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Gymnastics Club

Posted on November 22, 2023

Girls in gym leotards

It was a full house at our Gymnastics Club with lots of lovely Year 6s and 7s donning the Maynard leotard! We couldn’t resist the photo opportunity despite taking it only moments after their ‘strong’ session, working on muscular strength and endurance. And, quite remarkably, they are still smiling!

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Year 5: Just so …. Impressive!

Posted on November 22, 2023

Girls and Liz Gregory reading together

The Year 5 girls have been learning about Just So Stories, exploring their features in preparation for writing their own Kipling-esque animal stories. 5GW had a timely visit from Mrs Willcock’s dog Ralph, which helped to inspire some story title ideas… ‘How the Unicorn Got Its Horn, How the Cat Got Its Tail, How The

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For the love of Art!

Posted on November 22, 2023

Girl smiling holding up pop art portrait

We all love the Tregear Art Rooms! Not only are they glorious architecturally with their huge windows and vast swathes of Virginia creeper outside, but they’re a hub of enormous creativity … as testified by our lovely Year 6s who have been producing some stunning Pop Art! Not ones for a silent classroom, they were

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‘Secret Me’ winners announced

Posted on November 22, 2023

Art of a girl with a collage of items floating out of her head

There was much scratching of heads as our judges battled to separate the entries in our ‘Secret Me’ art competition for Years 7 – 9 (Upper 3 – Upper 4)! It really was the toughest of tasks but, when push came to shove, they all unanimously agreed that Molly’s quirky and creative depiction of her

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Trip to the Tiverton Toy Museum

Posted on November 22, 2023

Smiling girls holding up a photo frame

We absolutely love a good trip … and our Year 2 girls were treated to a fabulous day out at the Tiverton Toy Museum in early October. They devoured the opportunity to dress up like little Victorians and play with all the toys through the ages, culminating in a fascinating discussion (with very astute observations)

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Hockey and the Fabulous 4s

Posted on November 22, 2023

Girls smiling with hockey sticks

The Fabulous 4s had a fantastic day out at the Plymouth College Hockey Festival, playing some lovely games against Truro School, Stover School, Mount Kelly and the hosts. Not only did they have enormous fun, they came away having improved their play considerably during the course of the afternoon – a very, very well done

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Sharing the love!

Posted on November 22, 2023

Bronwyn smiling in front of a sign for St Leonard's Primary School

We’re so proud to be partnering with some of our local schools and sharing our professional expertise wherever we can. Huge thanks to the lovely Miss Cousins who is wholeheartedly epitomising our charitable ethos by heading over to St Leonard’s Primary School in her free time to take a PE lesson with their Year 3s

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Zoe selected for ‘Inspire’ programme

Posted on November 22, 2023

Zoe outside

Enormous congratulations to Zoe (Lower 5) who has been selected onto The National Youth Orchestra’s ‘Inspire’ programme, giving her access to incredible hands-on workshops and residencies across the country. This is a dream come true for Zoe who absolutely loves her music and recently gained a Distinction for her Grade 8 Viola. We wish her

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Emily Hauser Book Launch: “Ancient Love Stories”

Posted on November 22, 2023

A woman talking to a crowd, gesturing with a book

Award-winning Classicist, Emily Hauser, gave a wonderful reading of her new book, “Ancient Love Stories”, and spoke about Sappho and the Sacred Band of Thebes in her talk in September. It was wonderful to hear such a range of stories about love and different types of relationships. The girls were particularly enthusiastic to hear her

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National Champs … here we come!

Posted on November 21, 2023

Two girls riding horses

Huge congratulations to our equestrian athletes, Georgia and Hannah, who competed in the NSEA dressage qualifiers at Bicton Arena last weekend. They both produced beautiful tests, with Hannah taking third place on a score of 74.42% in a hugely competitive Prelim Class and, in doing so, qualifying for the National Championships at Addington in October.

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Slime flies when you’re having fun!

Posted on November 21, 2023

Girl smiling in a lab coat

Mrs Wood always runs a mega-exciting lunchtime Science Club and the Lower 4s had a great time earlier this week mastering the art of slime making. It’s a whole lot harder than you would imagine, with exact measurements required on top of a rigorous and lengthy kneading process. Such precision, however, only heightens the sense

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A winning start to the season!

Posted on November 21, 2023

Girls holding hockey sticks

Our Under 13 Hockey teams kicked the new season off to a flying start on Wednesday with both the As and Bs scoring two excellent victories against The King’s School in Ottery St Mary. This certainly bodes very well for the term ahead and fingers crossed they can maintain the momentum and repeat their incredible

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Success at the netball residential

Posted on November 21, 2023

Group of students in netball outfits

Our Under 14 and Under 13 teams enjoyed a fabulous few days of sport, friendship, adventure and laughter at the GSA Condover Hall netball residential at the weekend. This stunning Elizabethan manor house in Shropshire provided the perfect backdrop to a competitive couple of days of netball fixtures culminating in a silver medal for the

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Neighbourly love

Posted on November 21, 2023

Children singing

Our friends and neighbours in The Lodge Care Home were treated to a wonderful afternoon of entertainment courtesy of our talented Year 4s! Under the musical direction of Mrs Smith, who we are so incredibly lucky to have as our Head of Junior School Music, the girls sang a beautiful array of musical numbers to

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Blood smoothies in biology

Posted on November 21, 2023

Girls making a smoothie with various sweets

Halloween may be over, but Year 6 still enjoyed whipping up some blood smoothies to learn more about the human circulatory system. The sweets represented the red blood cells, the marshmallows were the white blood cells, some cereal hoops were added to represent platelets and orange juice was used to represent the plasma. Tasty!

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Music fun in Reception

Posted on September 22, 2023


Our budding musicians in the Reception Class enjoyed a wonderful first lesson with Mrs Smith this week (Wednesday 20th September), learning all the names of the classroom percussion instruments and the many different ways to play them. And, as Mrs Smith also points out, “Just as importantly, they also learned the signals to stop playing!”

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Forest School Returns

Posted on September 22, 2023


It’s back! Forest School in all its glory has started the academic year with a bang, and all our Pre-Preppers had the most wonderful time scampering around in the sun on Friday. Featured in this photo are the Year 1s, enjoying a well-earned rest on the bench with Mrs H-T after a busy morning of

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‘Girls Go Gold’ Conference

Posted on September 22, 2023


What a cracking day our GCSE and A-level PE students had on Thursday 14th September 2023 at the ‘Girls Go Gold’ Conference at The Abbey School in Reading! It really was the most incredible celebrity fest, featuring a star-studded cast with some of the most famous names from British sport EVER! The day began with

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A popular new addition to the Junior School

Posted on September 20, 2023


There’s a new girl on the block in the Junior School! We are delighted to report that Gracie has settled in beautifully and is making lots of lovely new friends. As our youngest joiner this year, she’s really looking forward to lots of fun and naughtiness in the coming weeks and is always on hand

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Sunshine and smiles to start the academic year

Posted on September 18, 2023


Term kicked off on Wednesday 6th September 2023 in fine style with beautiful sunshine and plenty of smiles. How wonderful to see familiar faces once more, whilst also warmly welcoming our lovely new girls into the fold. Here’s to some fabulous weeks ahead!

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GCSE results

Posted on September 11, 2023


GCSE RESULTS: Best set of results ever Students, families and teachers alike at The Maynard in Exeter were celebrating the best set of GCSE results ever achieved at the school with a record 34% of Grade 9s – absolutely bucking the national trend and higher even than the inflated grades of 2020-22 when Centre Assessed

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A-LEVEL RESULTS: A new Maynard record and another stellar year

Posted on September 10, 2023


Students at The Maynard School in Exeter have absolutely smashed it once again with several scoring a clean sweep of A* and As in their A-levels and, most crucially, the vast majority gaining their first choice at university. “It is quite remarkable what these girls have achieved and I am so proud of each and

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Maynard’s Got Talent

Posted on April 5, 2023


Each year this event gets more spectacular! We were blown away by the breadth of talent among the students and staff, with 15 impressive acts from tap dancing to rap and comedy to fashion shows. The winner of this year’s show was Rose (Upper 6) with her beautiful rendition of ‘Because of You’ by Lana

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Speak Out!

Posted on April 5, 2023


Staff, students, visiting schools and our parent body alike all thoroughly enjoyed our two ‘Speak Out’ conferences on Wednesday 29 March 2023, organised by our Diversity & Inclusion Committee. We were treated to riveting and incredibly thought-provoking speeches from a range of speakers, including our Sixth Form students Lilly and Hams, followed by a lively

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World Book Day 2023

Posted on March 7, 2023


We celebrated another sensational World Book Day on the 2nd March – a much-loved favourite of staff and students alike. To start the proceedings we were treated to a delightful costume parade with the Junior School and Pre-Prep which saw oompa-loompas, princesses, witches, dinosaurs, tigers and many more beloved characters come to life; even Nula

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History and Humanities New York Trip 

Posted on February 24, 2023


Maynard was busier than normal for 2am on Friday 10th February, as 45 students and five staff gathered, with passports in hand, and set off for Heathrow airport, bound for New York…  …or so we thought.  It was only after we began our early check-in that we were told our flight would now be delayed

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Upper 4 Christmas Cake Exhibition

Posted on December 15, 2022


The whole school descended in their droves on the Food & Nutrition room yesterday lunchtime with everyone eager to get a glimpse of the always-fabulous Upper 4 Christmas Cake exhibition. It is such a highlight of the year for so many of us, displaying such a remarkable mix of talent, creativity and humour in equal

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Mrs Lewis-Weeks, Director of Sport

Posted on December 15, 2022


As she approaches the end of her first term at The Maynard, we asked Director of Sport, Mrs Lewis-Weeks, about her experience and ambitions. How has it been stepping into your new role at The Maynard School?  Busy! Starting a new school is always a challenge, but the environment at The Maynard School make it

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