Physics Olympiad Success

Posted on March 24, 2021


Five girls in the Lower 6 participated in the Physics Olympiad, a national competition organised by the University of Oxford. All five girls received certificates: Charlotte, Althea and Alice all achieved Bronze awards; Isabelle achieved a Silver award; and Gloria achieved a Gold award. Gloria was ranked in the top 780 Physics students nationally, which

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Year 4 Computer Animation

Posted on March 24, 2021


In their computing lessons, Year 4 have been discussing what makes a good animation, before using software to create their own simple cartoons. They have learned how to move an object or character across a background by making gradual movements, frame by frame. Then sound effects have been added to certain frames. The girls have

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Sports Round Up

Posted on March 24, 2021


It is so wonderful to be able to host group activities again, albeit in our bubbles. School is positively humming with so many different clubs before lessons, as part of lessons, during lunch and after school! Fitness classes abound for staff and students, the double courts are constantly buzzing with football, rugby and netball clubs

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Junior School Cross Country

Posted on March 24, 2021


It was lovely to have all of our girls from Year 3 to Year 6 running around Leebourne in the sunshine (thankfully) as we started our cross country lessons. Year 6 were relieved and disappointed in equal measure not to be going down to Bull Meadow Park as we would ordinarily do for their route

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Satara’s fundraising for Mind

Posted on March 24, 2021


Satara in Lower 6 is taking part in the 27 miles over 27 days for Mind charity. “I have started halfway through so this will be more of a challenge for me, but I know I will complete it. I run and walk a lot anyway, so I thought this would be a great thing

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Team Bath Netball’s official Academy Development Centre

Posted on October 13, 2020


Team Bath Netball has announced that another hub of South West sports development excellence – The Maynard in Exeter – is joining its Academy Development Centre network. On the back of our recently announced sponsorship of the Exeter Chiefs Women’s Team (offering a realm of top quality rugby opportunities for our students) we are now

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Proud Sponsors of the Exeter Chiefs Women’s Team

Posted on September 25, 2020


A new and exciting chapter in the history of women’s sport is about to take off with The Maynard School, the oldest girls’ school in the country, collaborating with the newly formed Exeter Chiefs Women’s side. Set to be part of the elite Premier 15s competition, the Chiefs side – who will come under the

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Official announcement: Head Girl Team

Posted on September 17, 2020


Our very many and rather belated congratulations to the current Head Girl Team of Elizabeth, Lara, Peggy, Verity, Amelie, Miri, Eleanor, Emily, Raily and Miller. These wonderful girls were actually voted into post just before lockdown, so taking a group photo has been impossible until the Summer Term started. However, they have been working tirelessly

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A warm welcome to our Reception class

Posted on September 17, 2020


We extend a very warm welcome to all of our many new joiners but particularly to our youngest students in Reception Class. They are all settling in really well and have enjoyed drawing, painting and playing with each other so far. It goes without saying that we look forward to working with them as they

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Start as you mean to go on!

Posted on September 17, 2020


What an exciting start to the Year 6 Science lessons this term! The girls had a great time closely inspecting a pig’s heart and lungs as part of their Human Circulatory System topic. Mrs Reynolds, their class teacher, is famed for her hands-on approach to learning and all the evidence points to these lucky girls

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Ramsay sisters are key to Isca U18 hockey success

Posted on September 17, 2020


Congratulations to Family Ramsay who played such an instrumental part in the Isca Under 18’s becoming the England Hockey Tier 2 Champions on Sunday 6 September, beating Beeston on their home ground 3-2 at the Nottingham Hockey Centre. Anna (Upper 6) was supported by her sister, Jess (leaver in 2017), as Assistant Coach alongside Ellie

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Music news

Posted on September 17, 2020


David Cottam, the school’s guitar teacher, has enjoyed a productive summer. On top of teaching his pupils online, he managed to compose them all their own individual pieces of music which will be published in his next book. Several of his compositions have been used as ABRSM exam pieces and he is an accomplished and

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Is this a school record?

Posted on September 17, 2020


It turns out that our school is full of twins, both amongst staff members and students, but it is especially remarkable that we now have four sets of twins in one year group alone! This term we welcomed Amelie and Chloe as well as Grace and Pippa who now join our other twin sets of

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GCSE Results Day

Posted on August 21, 2020


The sun shone for our GCSE Results Day and huge congratulations to all of our Upper 5 (Year 11) students on their very many richly deserved achievements! These results were based entirely on real evidence and fully reflect the hard work and dedication that they all put into their GCSE studies these past couple of

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Congratulations to a wonderful year group

Posted on August 14, 2020


It’s fair to say that today’s was no ordinary Results Day and understandably we were greeted this morning by more nerves than ever with no-one really knowing what to expect after such an extraordinary past few months. However, in the end there were many joyous smiles and family hugs. One such, was Isobel Pinsky who

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Officially one of the top 120 students in the world!

Posted on June 19, 2020


Congratulations to Shweta (Year 12) who has just consolidated her position as one of the top 120 students internationally by winning the University of Cambridge’s Isaac Physics – Senior Physics Challenge. Shweta is a phenomenally talented student with an enormous work ethic although this award is also testimony to our Science Department who year-on-year inspire

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It’s Mini-Bacc week!

Posted on June 19, 2020


We have loved seeing groups of our Lower 6 (Year 12) and Lower 5 (Year 10) back in school this week for some “face time” with their teachers and the school certainly seemed alive again with the sounds of chatter and laughter. In addition to a good catch-up with their tutors, the Lower 5 have

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Mission Accomplished – Land’s End to John O’Groats

Posted on June 19, 2020


Congratulations to our Senior Netball and Hockey teams who recently completed their collaborative effort to run from Land’s End to John O’Groats to raise money for Raynick, the South African girl they met on their Sports Tour in 2018. For two years they have been sponsoring her education in its entirety and they have pledged to

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Impressive Trojan Horses from our Classicists

Posted on June 19, 2020


The Upper 4 (Year 9) Classicists have completed a fantastic project on Homer and have been inspired to create their own representations of the Trojan horse. Some of these representations look quite cheerful considering the havoc the Trojan horse was destined to bring! This quotation from Virgil describes the scene particularly well:  “Smooth-gliding wheelswere ‘neath

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Creative Chemistry at its best

Posted on June 19, 2020


During their foundation A-level lessons earlier in June 2020, the Upper 5 Chemists rose to the challenge of a new home-learning task. They had to create a set of apparatus from items they could find at home and then attempt to carry out a valid test to find out the effect of changing concentration on

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Virtual trips to France for Year 8

Posted on June 19, 2020


The Lower 4 (Year 8) language students have been working hard on their project, doing research on their favourite French town and they have produced the most informative posters to describe their chosen town, using the French vocabulary and structures they have learnt since being in lockdown.  During this climate of us not being able

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Delectable delights from the Food & Nutrition Department

Posted on June 19, 2020


Lockdown has certainly produced some impressively delicious results for all those girls who enjoy their Food & Nutrition lessons. From healthy sandwiches with homemade pâté, beautiful Victoria sponges, intricate filo parcels, caramel squares, vibrant salads, plaited bread loaves …. Lockdown has produced several veritable feasts!

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Our first ever Virtual Open Day Saturday 20 June 2020

Posted on June 3, 2020


The Maynard School continues to offer the best possible education whilst our girls have been studying from home. Known for the quality of our fantastic teaching within a caring family environment, we have designed a comprehensive remote learning package that is second to none in terms of academic breadth and seamless pastoral care.  As one

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Sole UK team to reach European finals

Posted on June 1, 2020


Congratulations to Bee Bothered, our incredible award-winning Young Enterprise team, who have just been selected as the only team to represent the UK in the Arconic Foundation’s Innovative Recycling and Reuse Award. They outstripped the national competition in the qualifying round to land this latest accolade – an incredible feat given, in the words of

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A-level standard coding for Year 6s!

Posted on June 1, 2020


We have been running our Year 6 Coding Club ever since we went into lockdown and we even met once a week during the school holidays. So far, we have built electronic traffic lights, burglar alarms with PIR sensors and then worked on making battery powered remote projects. Our latest project has brought all those skills together to make

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Inspirational Female Scientists

Posted on June 1, 2020


During lockdown many of our students have spent some of their Science lessons undertaking research and producing projects in the form of posters. All of us in the Science Department were impressed with both the pupils’ enthusiasm and the quality of their finished posters. The theme for the Lower 4 project was “An Inspirational Female

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Recording technology impresses

Posted on June 1, 2020


This part of the Summer Term is the time when Tregear is usually buzzing with class concerts. These are always enjoyed by all and are a chance to celebrate pupils’ musical achievements. We are delighted to report that this spirit of celebration and fun has continued remotely. Upper 3, Lower 4 and Upper 4 have

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Exceptionally industrious Pre-Preppers

Posted on June 1, 2020


The entire Pre-Prep has been very busy with their home learning since the start of term and this week we focus on the Year 2. They have been adding, subtracting, multiplying AND dividing in Maths, as well as creating story maps, re-writing The Tiger Who Came to Tea (we’ve had kangaroos, cats, unicorns and parrots

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Lockdown Challenge #3 – the results are in!

Posted on May 13, 2020


We were bowled over by the response to our Photography Competition and the judges certainly had a very difficult time with over 100 exceptional entries to separate. After some serious deliberation, we are delighted to announce the winners in each category and our congratulations to them all! Alumnae: Pip Squires  Parents: Kate Daws  Staff: Miss

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A successful remote learning package

Posted on May 13, 2020


The Maynard students continue their studies from home in fine style and our thanks to all those who have written in to express their gratitude for the educational package that we are continuing to deliver. These are certainly testing times for everyone but the usual Maynard grit and resilience has never before come to the

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