A-levels – Key Statistics 2024

- In The Daily Telegraph’s ‘Best UK private schools by A-level results 2024’, we ranked as the BEST IN THE SOUTH WEST, being 29th out of 214 – the only school in the South West to be in the top 50 and well ahead of other schools in Devon.
- Maynard results massively exceeded the National Average percentage of A*-B in practically every subject.
- A whopping 71% of all grades were A*/A.
- An eye-wateringly high 86% of students achieved A*/B grades
- Nearly a third of all grades were A*.
- A tremendous two thirds of students achieved AAB or above.
- 73% of students gained an A* in EPQ.
- There is an almost perfect 50/50 split between STEM and Arts subjects being pursued at degree level, from Medicine, Engineering and Neuroscience to Law, History and Modern Languages.
- 11% of students secured Oxbridge places.
- Other destinations include Imperial, UCL, Durham, Edinburgh, Warwick, Bristol, York, the USA and many more.
- The overwhelming majority of leavers are attending Russell Group universities with others choosing vocational careers such midwifery, fashion and graphic design.
Liz Gregory, Head of The Maynard, expressed her joy: “These girls have worked incredibly hard and thoroughly deserve their impressive results as such a remarkable cohort. I am thrilled that they are now fully equipped to start exciting new chapters in their lives and I could not be prouder – a very well done to them all!”
Joining the Sixth Form definitely helped me to achieve
results far beyond what I initially thought I was capable of
and I can wholeheartedly say that, without the teachers at
The Maynard, I most likely would not be studying at my
dream university right now.