It’s World Book Day – one of our favourite days of the whole year! Today has been filled to the brim with a riot of exciting activities to share our love for everything literature.
Just a few of the many highlights…
- The Pre-Prep and Junior School once again blew us away with their dazzling book-themed outfits, and gathered in their Houses this morning to build and play their own Top Trumps game using main characters from beloved books by Julia Donaldson.
- Then in class, Year 6 were inspired by the wonders of picture books and how different people can interpret stories in different ways, using the book ‘Flotsam’ to prompt delving into trays of items ‘washed up’ from the sea and inferring who they might have belonged to.
- Did you notice any staff with a picture of a book attached to their lanyard today? Over in Senior School, students were abuzz finding staff throughout the day and making a list of their favourite books – the longest list will win a fabulous prize!
- And of course, the annual book character gingerbread decorating was again a very tasty hit at lunchtime.
Still to come, we’ll be sharing the fabulous Book Faces entries and the classroom door book cover decorations, so (book)mark our words, the fun isn’t over yet!